
"Enthusiasm makes the difference."
- Dr. Norman Vincent Peale

   Being enthusiastic is the ability to pour vehemence, immense avidity and optimism into your everyday life. Having the right attitude towards everything makes a difference in a way that changes your character into a better person. Compared to a person who drowns themselves in self pity and dullness, enthusiastic people are more outgoing and let themselves bask in world of energy. Non-enthusiastic people lack the qualities needed to love a more joyful life. An example, a quiet and gloomy student who prefers to sit alone at their desk, just staring at their classwork is a good example of a non-enthusiastic person. On the other hand, we have a student sitting at their test interacting with his/her peers, determine and enthusiastic about their classwork. The drastic space between them is wide and far but, it doesn't mean you can't change to make a difference.
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