"Dare to stand alome. Stand up for what
is right , even if you stand alone.'
- Thomas S. Madison
This statement from Thomas S. Madison conveys the idea that if you stand alone, and you're the only one going a different direction, be proud of it because you're standing with what is right. They're are two sides to every decision, the right one and the wrong one. Each can be something different like the new trend everyone is pursuing vs. sticking to what you know best-- being yourself. They're choices that carry a heavy amount of stress and headaches but if you stand alone, it will rid you of any stress etc. This atement is daring you to do something everyone else is to couwardly to do, and that is being the opposoite of well, everone else. It is very easy to get pulled into something you don't want to do and not refuse doing it simply because you want to be like them. This is anything but good. If you're pulled into doing drugs, for the sake of remaining aside them, you'll give in but if you fight against it a plethora of positivity will rush to for choosing what is right and standing alone.

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