

Duties and Responsibilities:

 A periodontist cares of the health of our gums by preventing and treating gum diseases, such as gingivitis. In addition to attending to the health of our gums, a periodontist also performs cosmetic treatments or provide dental implants.

Salary: $192,680 - $305,820

   Even after you complete four years of dental school, you are not finished just yet.Periodontists are required to complete a periodontics residency, which is tipically three years long. In order to become board certified, you need to pass a written and oral exam administered by the American Board of Periodontology.

Skills in Demand:
   Periodontists must have good communication skills to successfully handle both patients and staff. They need a great deal of manual dexterity to manipulate small, sharp tools within the limited space of a mouth. Since most periodontists are also small business owners, basic knowledge of business management will be very helpful.

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