"I am not bound to win, but I am bound to be true. I must stand with anybody that stands right, and stand with him while he is rigth, and part when he goes wrong."
- Abraham Lincoln
The statetment above by former U.S president Abraham Lincoln highlights the idea that even if you aren't made to win or don't, always be on the right side rather than the wrong. It is better to loosse and be good than loose and be bad. The statement claimed that you should stand besides the people who do good and part way with the ones who only bring the wrong. For instance, a boy has two friends, a scholarly, kind ,and modest friend & a wreckless, rebelious, and daring friend, both whom are very loyal to him. The boy runs a risk of being pulled into a bad situation from his wreckless friend or witness a bad event. The boy is now forced to be untrue and keep what he saw a secret. Compared to his scholarly friend, he doesn't have to go through any of this if he stands by him instead of his other friend. A person can gain so much if they simply stand with the right people and be honest.

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