"Ask yourself is it right or wrong and act accordingly.''
- Otto Graham, Jr.
This statement by Otto Graham conveys the idea that a person must first debate with their inner self on whether or not something is right or not. The result of that will then determine the future, based on your decisions. If you don't act accordingly, many things can go wrong. Doing the opposite of what you truly feel is right can have detrimental outcomes and may even affect those around you. Take cheating for example, not only are you cheating yourself but you are subconsciously influencing others do cheat as well. This is why it is very crucial to really ask yourself if what you are doing is the right thing to do. In some form or another, it is also hurting you to make decisions. I say this because if you refuse to act accordingly you will begin to get use to this cycle and when you truly want to do the right thing you won't be able to. In conclusion, be honest to yourself and do your best to input that honesty in your actions.

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