
The Harmful Effects of Marijuana

In a 2010 National Survey on Drug Use and Health spoke that nearly 17.4 million people in the United States claimed they had used marijuana in the past month. Since then, many states have made it illegal to use marijuana recreationally and medically. As of early 2017, 26 states have made the use of pot legal in one form or another. The effects of the drug include; dizziness, shallow breathing, red eyes and dilated pupils, dry mouth, increased in appetite and slowed reaction time. If you drive after using marijuana, your risk of being in a car accident more than doubles.

When marijuana use begins in the teen years, it can have a significant impact on brain development, including decreased brain activity and a smaller than average hippocampus, which controls learning and memory functions. According to Northwestern Medicine study of teen marijuana users, memory-related structures in the brain appeared to shrink. These abnormalities remained two years after the teen stopped using marijuana, indicating that the drug has long-term effects and look similar to brains of 

Non-Marijuana use can be promoted in one way or the other, for instance; advertisements, district letters notifying parents, commercials, community gatherings, and so much more.  

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